The City of Winfield is proposing a street parking change along two blocks on the west side of the business district.
On September 15th, the city council passed the first of three readings for the parking change on Locust Street. Proposed changes include making the street parking parallel instead of angled. Mayor Willie Bender explains why the council has begun the discussions for this change, “It’s mainly due to the width of that road. If you have trucks parked on both sides of that road it can make that major roadway, Locust Street in Winfield, rather narrow and tight for traffic to get through. It can also make that road into a one-way road at times and you have to take turns.”
A point of concern from the public is that the change would take away 10 parking spaces along Locust Street. Mayor Bender encourages any comments from residents and welcomes them to attend city council meetings to hear the second and third readings. The council is scheduled to meet today at 5 p.m. for the second reading.