
Washington County Conservation is ready to hit the trails today for their annual Halloween Hike.

This year’s theme is “Tall Tale Trail” where families have the opportunity to listen to Native American tall tales and participate in activities at stations on the paved trail that loops around the Thomas Marr Mini Lake at Marr Park. Naturalist Megan Jorgenson explains when choosing the theme, the staff didn’t want anything too scary but still wanted it to have a Halloween feel, “So it’s not necessarily going to be spooky and scare kids but there’s more of a spooky sense to it. All while learning about our Native Americans and the importance of a lot of our tribes. Especially the ones that were in this area originally. So a lot of our stories came from Plains Indians, tribes that would have been in this area a long time ago.”

Jorgenson adds that Native American history is the basis for teaching about how the natural landscape has changed over time locally and nationwide. The free hike is open to families from 6-8 p.m. at Marr Park near Ainsworth.