
The Riverside City Council approved the final designs for new amenities at Railroad Park.

Nick Bettis of Axiom Consultants presented the final draft of improvements after adjustments were made during their previous meeting. The final plans include a soft-fall material on the playgrounds, updates to playground equipment, additional parking along River and Hickory streets, a six-foot wide perimeter path and mile markers along the path. The council has set a public hearing for the plans, specifications and notice for bids during their regular meeting on November 15th. City Administrator Christine Yancey says the estimated start date given for the project is February 28th, weather permitting. A late start date was set for April 15th with the hopes of finishing the project before the start of Trekfest in June. If the project is not completed by that time, construction will clear the area for the event and the project will be completed by August 18th.