
To help community members get in the Christmas spirit, the Brighton Chamber of Commerce is bringing a Christmas performance to neighborhoods in Washington and Henry counties.

Members of the Brighton Chamber and community will be putting on performances of “The Grinch and Friends” beginning tomorrow. For a donation of $40, the performers will travel to different homes and put on a skit for families. Each child at the residence will also receive a gift from the chamber. Brighton Chamber of Commerce member Kristi McArtor explains where the idea for this event came from, “I heard of a similar event from a friend of mine. Her community did something similar and I just thought it was such a cute idea. Her daughter absolutely loved it. So I presented it to the chamber and we all just loved the idea and thought we would give it a try for our community.”

Performances will take place every Saturday through December 18th. All proceeds will go towards the Brighton Chamber of Commerce. To schedule a time slot, residents are asked to call McArtor at 641-451-1389.