Unemployment decreased for most counties in the KCII-listening area, with Washington County’s remaining the same.
October’s unemployment data from Iowa Workforce Development shows Washington’s unemployment remains at 2.5%. Of Washington’s contiguous counties only two saw their rates increase: Louisa from 2.7-3% and Jefferson from 3-3.1%. For decreases, Henry lowered from 3.1-2.9%, Keokuk moved from 3.2-3.1%, Iowa dropped from 2.6-2.3%, and Johnson lowered from 2.7-2.6%. Unemployment also decreased on statewide and national levels from September to October. Iowa moved from 3.9-4%, and the U.S. decreased from 4.8-4.6%.The number of unemployed Iowans decreased to 64,700 in October from 66,200 in September. The labor force participation rate remained steady at 66.8%.