
Washington Mayor Jaron Rosien provided an update on the expected vacancy of the Ward 1 council seat during the recent city council meeting.

Rosien explained that he put the discussion item on the agenda as he had previously promised, and said that if Danielle Pettit-Majewski formally resigns at their January 25th regular meeting as she has indicated, the council would then hold a special meeting immediately afterwards to determine whether they will appoint a new council member or hold a special election. Rosien shared that he is leaning toward appointment as he has received interest from a resident who has city board or commission experience. This would be his first time recommending an appointment, as Pettit-Majewski won a special election for the seat in 2018. Appointment would save the city the expense of holding an election, and an absence from the council in the interim which could lead to a lack of quorum during meetings. The city must give the county 32 days notice of an election, or must publish notice of appointment if they choose that route. The public then has within 14 days of the publication or the appointment to file a petition for a special election. The petition must have 200 signatures or at least the number of signatures equal to 15% of those who voted for the ward seat in the last regular election, whichever number is smaller. The term ends in 2023.