
The Nicola-Stoufer Room at the Washington Public Library had a full house Thursday night as the National Weather Service held their first in-person storm spotter training since 2019.

After holding virtual trainings over the last couple years this free event was held for local emergency responders and others who wish to be a registered spotter to report on severe weather events. Meteorologist with the National Weather Service Quad Cities Office Zach Uttech gave emphasis on spotter safety while also encouraging them to be proactive in case of severe weather by checking the Hazardous Weather Outlook posted on the National Weather Service website and having multiple ways to receive weather notifications. The training also included the definitions of severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, wall and funnel clouds, and flash flooding. The National Weather Service holds storm spotter trainings annually throughout the state, and six members of the KCII Severe Weather Action Team attended the training. Whenever a severe thunderstorm or tornado warning is issued for Washington County, the Severe Weather Action Team provides live coverage of the storm.