
There is less than a week remaining to file federal taxes before the annual deadline. Even though it’s crunch time, residents can still avoid penalties and finish on time according to Terri Bain with H&R Block in Sigourney, Washington, and Columbus Junction. Bain tells KCII news that preparation is key in streamlining the process, “we need a current photo ID so we can confirm who we are talking to. We need your tax forms, either W2s or 1099s from interest. Your home mortgage interest from your bank. This year we also need those IRS letters showing how much you received for your stimulus payments and the advanced child tax credit payments.”

Bain explains that H&R Block is offering many options to clients including in-person appointments, video conferences and more, whatever someone’s preferences might be regarding their schedule and COVID-19 precautions. She stresses it is important to get correct documentation to the office with a physical copy or digitally. If a client has questions their office will perform follow-up through phone calls, emails or face-to-face conversation. Bain recommends that people visit and make an online services account to check the status of their return once they have filed.

Federal deadline for filing 2021 income taxes is Monday, April 18th, and the Iowa state tax deadline is Monday, May 2nd.