
The Keota School District received high marks recently from the Iowa Department of Education. Annually the state puts together school performance profiles that take into account participation in statewide assessments, graduation rates, the state condition of learning survey, growth in areas like language arts and math and the percentage of students proficient in those subjects on the assessment tests. Once all of these numbers are compiled, they are entered into a formula to give each school a score based on performance.

Keota High School scored well above the state average and was listed in the Commendable category. Keota Elementary scored right at the state average and was labeled as Acceptable. Keota Superintendent Jim Henrich tells KCII News that he and the rest of the staff are proud of the efforts of the students in these areas. It is even more impressive when taking into account the learning loss during the pandemic. Their goal is to continue the best education they can provide for their students in a safe and caring environment.