Washington High School had to deal not only with fluctuating attendance last year but also had to deal with making sure that their seniors had enough credits to graduate. Raising the Graduation rate up to 90% is another new goal that has been set by Washington High School Principal Teresa Beenblossom.
One of the ways that she plans to try and make sure that her seniors stay on track is to keep parents more informed about how their student is progressing.
“We’re also going to be working on a Mid Term Form for Success and for our students who are struggling learners during the week before conferences they are going to meet with the teacher about what they can do to help them and get rid of any barriers that could be in their way. The results of those meetings will then be shared with parents at conferences or sent home if the parents don’t attend conferences.”
Failing grades are a primary contributor to off track graduation as Beenblossom hopes to raise the percentage of students grades 9-12 passing all their classes from just over 81% to 87% by the end of 2023. As of right now High Schooler need 56 credits to graduate and have the opportunity to earn a maximum of 64.