Twenty-one Washington County 4-H’ers and seven members of Clover Kids participated in the Washington County Clothing event Sunday, July 10th, at the Washington County Extension Office. Participants had three categories to participate in: $15 Challenge, Clothing Selection or Fashion Revue.
The first category saw participants construct an outfit out of second-hand items, with the price coming to $15 or less. The Clothing Selection category is for other purchased clothing, and the Fashion Revue category is for constructed outfits.
Taylor Garman of the 76 Progressives and Zoe Fisher of the Limecreek Limelights were chosen to represent Washington County at the Iowa State Fair in the $15 Challenge. Fisher and Garman were also selected for the Iowa State Fair in the clothing selection event, and Delaney Gerot was chosen as the alternate. Isadora Goode of the Kalona Klassics was selected for the Iowa State Fair Fashion Revue event.
Washington 4-H & Youth Coordinator Amy Green says this event usually draws in a dedicated group of participants. “I say it’s a great project area for everybody because we all wear clothes, but we have a great group that is dedicated to that project area every year.”
A Style Revue, along with several educational presentations for the public, will be held at the Washington County Fair on Monday, July 18th at 2 pm in the Community Center. Contact the Washington County Extension Office for more information about those events or tickets for the Washington County Fair.