
Seven Washington County employees were recognized at the July 19th Board of Supervisors meeting for their long service to the county. The cumulative experience of these seven employees is 170 years and featured members of the Washington County Sheriff’s, Public Health, Assessor, Recorder, and Treasurer’s offices.

Randy Tinnes, Gina Greiner, Jason Schlabaugh, Christy Tinnes, Lori Hobsheidt, Jo Greiner, and Jeff Garrett received commemorative plaques and high praise from the board at the meeting. Washington County Auditor Dan Widmer noted how rare it is for employees to stay in one place for so long. Richard Young, Chairperson of the Board of Supervisors, acknowledged these employees’ contributions to Washington County.

The next Board of Supervisors meeting will be Tuesday, July 26th at 9 am in the Board of Supervisors Chambers in the basement of the Washington County Courthouse.