
City of Washington photo

The Washington Performing Arts Series has released its schedule for the 2022-2023 season, with the first event of the schedule being September 12th at 7:30 pm, featuring Backtrack Vocals, a five-person acapella group. The schedule-building process has been a long endeavor as the group has been assembling this schedule since January shifting through many acts to try and find the best to bring to Washington.

Co-Chair of the Washington Performing Arts Series and Washington City Council member Millie Youngquist talked with KCII about the behind-the-scenes efforts it takes to put this schedule together. “We work with agencies who give us information and videos, we select the ones we want, and then they have to build a schedule that works for them because they can’t have a show in Washington one day and a show in Colorado the next day. Because we’re not the only group using the High School Auditorium, we have to work those days out. Finally, we fill out the rest of our schedule with other local Iowa groups.”

This year’s list of acts includes Backtrack Vocals, The Okee Dokee Brothers, Parallel Exit Vaudevillian Show, Pandelirium Steel Drum Band, and Opera Iowa’s Beauty and the Beast. Season tickets are available for $60, and they get you into all of the five Washington Shows along with over twenty other Washington Performing Arts Series events in surrounding areas. For ticket information, visit the Washington Auditorium website.