
It’s almost time for Saint Mary’s Labor Day Celebration.

Saint Mary’s Catholic Church in Riverside has been celebrating Labor Day for at least thirty years. This year’s Labor Day celebration will take place on Monday, September 5th, continuing the trend.

The celebration begins at 11:00 a.m. with a lunch, which can be eaten at the church or by carry-out.. The meal consists of fried chicken or smoked pork chops, mashed potatoes and gravy, homemade noodles, freshly shucked sweet corn, green beans, applesauce, coleslaw, buttery rolls, and one’s choice of dessert. At 11:00 a.m there will also be bingo, a game for all ages.

Following the meal, one can browse the sizable farmers market, which is stocked with baked goods, plants, and produce from other people’s gardens. Get the chance to play enjoyable games for the younger people. A tractor pull for kids will also be available at 1:00pm. The best time to sign up for the tractor pull is between 12:30 and 1:00 p.m.

Their annual Labor Day auction will begin at 2:30pm. Many items will be available, with many of them coming right now. There will be popular items such as pews that families can use for the Christmas Eve Mass. Local donations will also be accepted, with items ranging from quilts to rocks and cement.

However, the Labor Day celebration is much more than just a time to feast; it is also a large gathering for the church community. It is viewed as the pre-harvest celebration, and it is a time to celebrate everything the church has accomplished. New church families and friends will be able to meet the regular attendees and form new relationships. Those who have previously visited Saint Mary’s will be able to see what the church has been up to. All proceeds for this year’s celebration will be used toward the restoration of Saint Mary’s historic pipe organ. 

Dee Simon and other members of the Labor Day planning community would appreciate volunteers. If you want to volunteer, call Dee at 319-648-4149 or www.holyfamiliyrrw.org, and sign up.