
Lake Darling beach in Brighton was listed as one of seven beaches in Iowa with an E. Coli-related advisory for this weekend. This list was published by the Iowa Environmental Council, with the test being conducted by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The Iowa DNR has listed Lake Darling as vulnerable, with the last E. Coli Sample for Lake Darling taken Wednesday and registering at 120 colony-forming units per 100 mL of water. This is slightly below the 126 colony-forming units per 100 mL of water standard. 

Vulnerable beaches that exceed the one-time sample maximum water quality standard for indicator bacteria will have a sign posted with a warning that states, “Swimming is Not Recommended.” Advisories will remain in effect until the geomean for indicator bacteria drops below the water quality standard, the one-time sample maximum for indicator bacteria drops below the water quality standard, and the one-time sample maximum for Cyanobacteria toxins drops below the advisory threshold.