The Keokuk County Board of Supervisors met in regular session on Monday, January 9 in the Courthouse Board Room.
A new security system for the County Attorney’s office was approved in the amount of $7,249. No reconstruction of the office door will be required.
Engineer for the Keokuk County Highway Department, Andy McGuire, met with the board to discuss a right of way acquisition in Section 31, Township 74N, Range 11W, north of Pekin High School. The project was approved in the amount of $1,000 for 14/100ths of an acre for a permanent right of way.
Chairman of the Board, Mike Hadley, spoke with KCII on the reason for the acquisition. “It’s really kind of like a hill, when the wind comes across it, it drops its snow. This is a main road going right to the school, and so by knocking that slope down, it tends to not drift right there. To do that, we have to acquisition some of the ground adjacent to the road.” The project is tentatively scheduled to be completed by next winter.
The board contacted Jimmy Morlan and Don Northrup with the City of Sigourney to secure parking for the upcoming HVAC project workers. The board had approved a bid from Christner Contracting Inc. of Ottumwa in the amount of $1,454,069 back in August, with plans to begin the project in the spring.
For a full and complete list of minutes for the Board of Supervisors, visit keokukcounty.iowa.gov.