In honor of National Volunteer Week, here is some information about our Washington County 4-H volunteers. There are currently 577 youth in kindergarten-12th grade who are involved in Clover Kids/4-H in Washington County. Volunteers spend numerous hours working on tasks, such as organizing special events, helping members with 4-H projects, leading community service projects, educating, having fun with, and encouraging our youth. There are 57 4-H Club leaders and Clover Kid leaders. 18 Youth Committee members. 26 Livestock Superintendents. 9 elected Extension Council members. 24 fair board members. Hundreds of episodic volunteers and donors. The youth volunteer as well. The 4-H program works to model for and train youth how to be giving members of their communities, and many of our youth do give back and volunteer for this program by assisting at day camps, teaching at workshops, serving at our events, setting up and cleaning up for fair. The work of 4-H volunteers is constant and isn’t always glorious with many details, deadlines, and changing needs of youth. Be sure to celebrate National Volunteer Week by recognizing those who volunteer their time and energy for our youth, our future.