In the U.S., 1 in 5 teens have difficulty affording menstrual products or were not able to purchase them at all — that’s according to PERIOD., a global nonprofit founded by two high school students that works to destigmatize menstruation and promote menstrual literacy. To help improve access to these products and raise awareness of Menstrual Health Day on May 28, Washington For Justice and Optimae LifeServices are holding a menstrual health donation drive throughout May, Women’s Health Month. Donations will be distributed to The Lighthouse Center of Washington. Donations may be dropped off through May 31 at the Washington Public Library. Washington For Justice is a non-partisan group whose mission is to create a more inclusive community by confronting racism in all its forms. Optimae is a statewide health care and human services organization committed to influencing the communities it provides services in to become more diverse, equitable and inclusive places.