
In the latest Crop Progress and Condition Report for the State of Iowa, farmers were left 5.8 days suitable for fieldwork, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Row crop planting activities neared completion, while some farmers were finishing up soybean planting. Other field activities included cutting hay and spraying crops. Drought concerns are increasing. 

Topsoil moisture condition rated 14 percent very short, 46 percent short, 39 percent adequate, and 1 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture condition rated 13 percent very short, 46 percent short, 40 percent adequate, and 1 percent surplus. 

Ninety-eight percent of the State’s corn has emerged, 1 week ahead of last year and 8 days ahead of the 5-year average. Corn condition declined to 70 percent good to excellent, Soybean emergence is at 95 percent, 11 days ahead of last year and 2 weeks ahead of the average. Soybean condition dropped to 66 percent good to excellent. Sixty-six percent of the oat crop has headed, 10 days ahead of last year and 9 days ahead of normal. There were reports of some oat fields starting to turn color. Oat condition declined to 66 percent good to excellent. 

Ninety-one percent of the State’s first cutting of alfalfa hay has been completed, roughly 2 weeks ahead of last year and the 5-year average. Hay condition declined to 49 percent good to excellent. Pasture condition rated 41 percent good to excellent. No major livestock concerns were reported, other than precipitation needed to improve pasture conditions.