
Photos courtesy of Highland Secondary School social media

The Highland Community School District is one of four in the KCII listening area celebrating its homecoming this week, and festivities are already underway.

For the first time, students are participating in a “color war”. Highland senior, Kylie Allen explains, “Each class has a color: seniors have pink, juniors have blue, sophomores have purple, and freshman have orange. So we’re gonna decorate each section of the hallway your color with different decorations.”

While the school spirit is already evident through the building, students and staff have the opportunity to show their individual pride with dress-up days. At the High School, it’s Neon Day Monday, Dynamic Duo Tuesday, Career Barbie & Ken Wednesday, Anything-But-A-Backpack Day Thursday, and Husky Spirit Day Friday. The Elementary School has the same themes on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, but will have Red, White, & Blue Day on Wednesday and Pajama Day on Thursday.

Highland’s Boom Night and Parade are taking place on Wednesday September 20 at the Riverside Ball Park. Lineup begins at 5:30 p.m. with the parade at 6. This year’s Homecoming Court includes Sarah Burton, Stella Slaymaker, Madison Beeson, Shauna Sublette, Brayden Johnston, Nic Oriano, Remington Fields, and Jack Peiffer. Highland football hosts Columbus on Friday night at 7 p.m. in a game that can be heard on the KCII3 stream. The Homecoming Dance follows the football game.