The Art Domestique Gallery in Washington would like to invite you to be a part of their annual Small Works Show 2023. There will be a $25.00 entry fee for this show. The prizes for this show will be $250 for first, $125 for second, and $75.00 for third. The Small Works Exhibit will be held from November 1st to December 31st. Art Domestique Gallery would like to offer you, the Artist, an opportunity to showcase your work in your medium. A commission of 25% will be charged by the gallery for artwork sold. Submit an application to the Gallery by October 13th of your intention to exhibit at the Small Works Show. The artwork should be delivered to the gallery by October 27th. Hours for the gallery are 10-4 Wednesday–Friday. Entries can be delivered at another time with prior arrangements. A reception will be held on November 10th, 5:30-7:30, at Art Domestique Gallery in Washington. Please invite your family and friends to attend this reception. Light refreshments will be served.