More opportunities for Halloween fun are approaching in southeast Iowa, with celebrations to be held in West Chester, Richland, and Brighton.
On Saturday, October 28, the City of West Chester is hosting their Trunk or Treat in City Park from 5-6:30 p.m. This is to be followed by the Family Halloween Party at the Heritage School beginning at 7. This is a new event, and will replace trick-or-treating in town.
Richland is holding its Trunk or Treat on Saturday as well, from 5-7 p.m. on the city square. The evening offers candy, kids games, and free food, in sponsorship with the Richland Fire Department. It will be put on by the Pekin FFA and Richland Community Club.
Brighton’s festivities begin on Halloween night with a free dinner for kids. JYD’s food truck will be providing meals at Central Park, beginning at 5 p.m. Super heroes will be in attendance handing out candy, along with coupons, movie tickets, and other gift certificates. This event coincides with the Brighton citywide trick-or-treating from 5-7.