
Pictured here left to right are Millie Youngquist, Melissa Westphal, Jan Gallagher, and Bob Youngquist presenting a check for $1,634 to Renella Crawford (center), HACAP Director. Dancers pictured are: Allie Westphal, Madelyn Koshatka, Kaylee McFarland.

The variety show, “Reason for the Season ” was held on November 25th at the Washington Area Performing Arts and Events Center. The event was coordinated by Melissa Westphal, owner and dance teacher at “Stairway to the Stars” and featured local talent as well as several groups of dancers from her studio. Ticket sales surpassed their expectations, and they are happy to announce that proceeds will be divided between future lighting and sound purchases for the auditorium and the local HACAP Center. Millie Youngquist, Melissa Westphal, Jan Gallagher, and Bob Youngquist presented a check for $1,634 to Renella Crawford, HACAP Director.