Washington County 4-H has had both state and national level success in the livestock judging project area, and they are ready to take on the competitive edge by hosting their winter workouts from January – May. This project allows livestock exhibitors to learn more about each of the large animal species or to become more of an expert in the species they show. Winter workouts will be held at the Washington County Extension Office from 6 pm to 7:30 pm on January 21, February 25, March 17, and April 21. The group will be divided into groups based on experience with hands-on relevant practice and learning. The 4-H Livestock Judging coach is 4-H volunteer Dustin Ford with assistance from Ted Greiner and Chad Younge. For more information on 4-H livestock judging or how to get involved as a volunteer, partner, or participant, please contact the Washington County Extension Office at 319-653-4811.