
The newly renovated Wellman Public Library opened yesterday, with another chance for patrons to view the space from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. today.

Renovations began last spring and were made possible by a Washington County Riverboat Foundation grant. By opening up the previously unoccupied east side of the building, the Wellman Public Library essentially doubled in size. This offers the staff more room for book shelves as well as new programming.

Unable to use the building while the construction took place, the Library had been housed in the Driscoll Building in downtown Wellman. Back at 711 4th Street for the first time since last May, Library Director Carrie Geno expressed her excitement to KCII. “I am thrilled. This has been a dream for a very long time for our library and to see it finally come to fruition has just been absolutely amazing.”

The Wellman Public Library will be back to regular hours next week.