A special election will take place on Tuesday, April 30th for the purpose of filling a vacant mayor position for the City of Washington. Nomination paperwork is now available at the Washington County Auditor’s Office for residents of the City of Washington who wish to be a candidate for the position. The required nomination paperwork, which includes a properly completed Affidavit of Candidacy as well as a Nomination Petition, is due in the Office of the Washington City Clerk no later than Friday, April 5th at 5:00 PM. The required paperwork for becoming a candidate is available by contacting the Washington County Auditor’s Office at (319) 653-7717. For further information, contact the Washington County Auditor’s Office or Washington City Hall. A special election is needed to fill the vacant Mayoral seat following the resignation of Jaron Rosien which was effective February 20th. Rosien is facing trial in May on felony sex charges.