
The Highland School Board met in regular session on Monday. The meeting began with two public hearings: one for the 2024/25 calendar and another for the 2024/25 budget. After approving the calendar, the board approved the budget in the amount of $4,813,966 with a tax rate of 12.99 per $1,000 assessed valuation.

Consent agenda items were approved next, followed by a presentation from Riverside City Administrator, Cole Smith. Smith spoke with the board about a proposed project that would extend Cherry Street between Kleopfer Avenue and Schnoebelen Street near the Elementary School. The estimated cost is just under $450,000.

In administrative reports, the new bleachers at the Elementary School were highlighted. Highland Community School District worked with Townsend Ventures LLC to replace the old bleachers and install new ones at the end of March.

The Highland School Board will meet next for a work session on Monday, April 22 at 5 p.m. Their next regular meeting is Monday, May 13 at 5 p.m. in the High School Board Room.