The Washington County Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday. On the agenda was the quarterly report from the Washington County Ambulance Service. Interim Director Katrina Altenhofen gave the report, “I think the biggest thing from this quarter was the ramping up of that third truck. Actually started and implemented in this last quarter on April 1st, but obviously we had to do applications and then see who of our current staff would want to potentially move around to the various shifts. And then where we had gaps and we needed to advertise and get other staff on, so, we have added quite a bit of staff to our current roster. We have seven new hires and no resignations in that third quarter. So we now have eight full time EMT’s, ten part time EMT’s, one AEMT, nine full time medics, seven part time medics, and then our billing coders, there are two of them, and they are also EMT’s.” The process is continuing for the search for the full time Ambulance Director.