
Before the Washington County Fair could come to a close, one more show drew the attention of many. The Bacon Buddies program held its pig show Thursday evening. 

Ellie Anderson, a senior at Iowa State University, was instrumental in bringing Bacon Buddies to Washington. She described the program, which works with Iowa Special Olympics participants, to KCII. “We can connect them with a 4-H or FFA member and they are able to go into the ring and show a pig just like we would any other day. For us this is pretty normal, but for them, this is a whole new opportunity that they may not [otherwise] be able to do.”

Anderson first participated in Bacon Buddies four years ago at the Iowa State Fair and signed up to bring it to Washington last year. This was just the second year for the program at the Washington County Fair, but hopes are for it to return in 2025.