
After one of the drier weeks in recent memory, Iowa farmers were left with 5.9 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending July 21. According to the latest Crop Progress Report from the Department of Agriculture, field activities in the last week included harvesting oats for grain, cutting and baling hay, and applying fungicides. 

Topsoil moisture condition rated one percent very short, 10 percent short, 81 percent adequate, and eight percent surplus. Subsoil moisture condition rated one percent very short, 10 percent short, 80 percent adequate, and nine percent surplus. 

Corn silking reached 68 percent, one day behind last year but two days ahead of the five-year average. Corn reaching the dough stage was at 18 percent, two days ahead of last year and five days ahead of the five-year average. Corn condition rated at 75 percent good to excellent. Soybeans blooming reached 69 percent, five days behind last year but equal to the average. Soybeans setting pods reached 25 percent, two days behind last year and one day behind the five-year average. Soybean condition was 74 percent good to excellent. Oats turning color reached 89 percent, two days behind last year but three days ahead of the five-year average. Oats harvested for grain reached 44 percent complete, five days ahead of both last year and the average. Oat condition was 76 percent good to excellent. 

Iowa’s second cutting of alfalfa hay reached 75 percent complete, five days behind last year but two days ahead of the five-year average. The third cutting of alfalfa hay began at six percent, four days behind last year but one day ahead of the five-year average. Hay condition rated 78 percent good to excellent, while pasture condition rated 71 percent good to excellent.