
4-H’ers cooked up some Iowa pride during the 18th annual Pride of Iowa contest on Wednesday, July 17st at the Washington County Fair.  Contestants each prepared a recipe with an ingredient or ingredients representative of Iowa.  During the contest, participants handed out samples of their food, showed how to make their recipe, and answered questions from fair goers.  Participants could enter as an individual 4-H’er, team of 4-H’ers, or as a 4-H’er and adult team. Seven groups of 4-Hers participated in Pride of Iowa with food items ranging from mint chip brownie squares to strawberry salsa to monster cookie energy bites. The Judge’s Choice award, sponsored by JP’s 207, was given to Emma and Grace Taylor of the Washington Go-Getters for their street corn dip. Each visitor at the Pride of Iowa event was given a piece of corn to vote for their favorite entry. The People’s Choice award, sponsored by Washington Keokuk County Corn & Soybean Growers, was given to Mia Conrad and Adelinn Beinhart of the Dutch Creek Flyers for their chicken pinwheels. The Pride of Iowa contest helps to make 4-H’ers, adults, and the public more aware of products made in Iowa.  Contestants were judged based on taste and flavor of their food, organization, uniqueness of recipe, health aspect, enthusiasm, public’s enthusiasm, display, and following contest rules.