Grace Puttmann of the Limecreek Limelights was selected as State Fair alternate. Elijah Statler of the Limecreek Livewires was recognized as the top senior presenter and will represent Washington County in the Educational Presentation competition at the State Fair in August. Stella Janecek of the Horse and Pony Club and Allie Whetstine of the Limecreek Limelights received the Judge’s Choice Award for their Crop Scouting Team presentation.
The Washington County 4-H Communications Night at the Washington County Fairgrounds featured record numbers. Seventy-three 4-H’ers gave educational presentations, and two participated in the extemporaneous speaking division. According to the four visiting judges in charge of evaluation for the evening they said this county has so much to be proud of. Washington County has the most presenters they see at any county fair they visit. Charlotte Sieren of the Dutch Creek Flyers and Maya Murphy of Go-Getters will represent Washington County at the State Fair Extemporaneous Speaking Contest. During this communication event, youth draw three topics from a hat and then select one. They have 30 minutes to prepare a 4-6 minute speech. 4-H Communications Night is held in conjunction with the Washington County Fair.