KCII News spoke with U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley about his long tradition of attending the Iowa State Fair. “Well the highlights for me wouldn’t be any different since 1974 I have spent at least one day at the fair. But I make a point of having a porkchop on a stick at the pork tent. I see the butter cow. I hand out eggs for the Iowa Egg Council, hard boiled eggs. I go see the biggest bull, boar and ram. This year I had three agricultural interviews on the fairgrounds. And I walked around and said hi to people, talked to people if they wanted to talk to me about issues. I’m always available because I get paid by the year and not by the hour, and just like to converse with my constituents, and make government as real and as accessible to them as I can.” The Iowa State Fair ended with record attendance numbers on August 18th.