
At their Tuesday meeting, the Washington County Board of Supervisors heard from Washington County Engineer Jacob Thorius about a secondary roads equipment purchase. Thorius gives more information on the equipment, “We are needing to replace a tractor, it was one we have had issues with ever since we got it. We got four quotes returned, the first quote was from P&K Midwest Inc. their quote was one hundred and sixty-three thousand one hundred and ninety-two dollars. Next quote was from Cove Equipment, their price was one hundred and thirty-three thousand one hundred and fifty dollars. Third quote was from Sinclair Tractor. Their quote was one hundred and twenty-two thousand one hundred and thirty-two dollars. The final quote was from JJ Nichting Co for one hundred and four thousand seven hundred dollars. It’s quite a discrepancy in quotes.” The Supervisors approved the purchase of the Tractor from JJ Nichting in the amount of $104,700.00.