
U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley spoke with KCII News and gave an update on the FBI Sexual Misconduct investigation that he has been a part of, “(The leader) In the FBI and Justice Department that was in charge of seeing that sexual harassment was stopped and people were properly punished, that he was recently charged with the same thing, and he resigned from the Justice Department, and that ends the investigation of him. So you can see how deep this thing goes. And by the way, when he resigned, that’s following a pattern that has come up in this investigation, that a lot of people that are charged with sexual harassment they leave the FBI and that ends the investigation.”  In 2021, DOJ Office of the Inspector General issued the FBI two recommendations on its demonstrated failures to hold employees responsible for wrongdoing after they separate from the agency, particularly when they do so while under investigation. As of today, approximately three years later, the FBI has not closed either of those recommendations.