
Registration for the 4-H Winter Project Extravaganza Workshops is now open. The goal of the Washington County 4-H Project Extravaganza is to give 4-H members a variety of options for hands-on learning, experiencing, creating and fun with other 4-H members under leadership of community businesses, experts, and volunteers. Depending on details of each workshop, the majority are open to any 4-H members who are in 4th grade and older. Each participant brings in their own level of experiences and is able to apply that to these project areas. Online pre-registration is required by December 2nd. Limited space is available for some workshops and they are filled on a first come, first serve basis. The fees for service will be used to offset direct expenses and to support the Washington County 4-H Youth Development Program. Each workshop has a low fee thanks to generous support from the Big 4-H Lucky Clover Raffle proceeds of 2024. You can find more information on all of the workshops and how to register online with this news story at KCIIRadio.com.  https://www.extension.iastate.edu/washington/