Four children were removed from a home in Washington on Friday and people are coming together to support them. According to a statement from Washington Police Chief Jim Lester and Fire Chief Brendan DeLong, “Members of the community have been reaching out asking how they can help and with the permission of family, we are working together to give the community an opportunity to support these kids. Together we can make this season a little brighter for some children in need.”
On Friday, four children were removed from a home in Washington and two people are facing charges of child endangerment. The two arrested were 35-year old John Zaiss and 37-year-old Heather Egbert, both of Washington, and are being held in the Washington County Jail. Officers also removed 24 dogs, one deceased dog, one deceased bearded dragon, one deceased hedgehog, and four cats.
Now through Monday, December 23rd, community members may drop off donations at Washington City Hall at 215 East Washington Street. Items should be new and unwrapped.
Toys for girls ages 3, 5, and 11 years-old are welcome, as well as clothing, hats, coats, gloves, shoes, school supplies, non-perishable snacks, and hygiene products like toothbrushes and toothpaste.
- Girls clothing sizes 4T, 5T, kids large, women’s XS
- Girls shoes sizes Kids 6, Kids 7-8, adult size 2, adult size 3
- School supplies for 11 year-old
- Hygiene products – NO perfume soap or lotion due to allergies
Washington Police and EMS are working together to make sure the donated items are delivered to the children before Christmas.