Iowa meat will be put to the fire for an outdoor “Grills Gone Wild” cookout contest during the Washington County Fair on Friday, July 19th. The contest, designed to promote Iowa meat, is being planned by the Washington County Fair Association and Washington County Farm Bureau. Brian Eakins, an organizer of the event, says you don’t have to be an expert chef to participate; you just need to enjoy cooking outdoors with quality Iowa meat.
The contest is open to any Iowa resident 13-years-old or older and there are six categories: beef, pork, lamb, poultry, turkey or combo/specialty. Combo is a recipe combining two or more meats from the eligible categories. Specialty includes domestically raised meats including venison, goat, and fish etc., excluding wild game.
“Grills Gone Wild” Cookout Contest Champion will receive $100. Other category winners will receive $75 for 1st place, $50 for 2nd place, and $25 for 3rd place. Special recognition will go to winners of the showmanship, youth and team cooking categories. The Grills Gone Wild Cookout Contest Champion, along with all 1st place category winners and winners of the showmanship, youth and team awards will have the chance to compete in the state finals at the Iowa State Fair on August 13.
Entry forms are available at the Washington County Extension office, Washington County Farm Bureau office, Ray-Man in Keota and For more information contact Brian Eakins at 641-660-9732, Steve Norman at 319-330-4688, or John Wagner at319-461-4853. Entry forms must be returned to the extension office by July 12.